I what you to draw all attention to what you are going to read here, read carefully to understand the message that am about to pass about this step.
The first step to wealth is you yourself, your environment and your friends. For you to be able to acquire wealth you must first have a burning dersire of whating it, the question starts in the mind and a man's strength lies in his mind, his body is just a case that obeys the mind. You thought must be driven to the acquiring of wealth, all successful men in the world today, never aquired wealth by mere luck, they was that desire of whating it. Once you are fully sure of whating it, then is now time for you to seek for it..
Before seeking for something, you are to have a basic idea of where it lies and this is the truth about where wealth lies, people are wealth, wealth are in people, people would make you wealthy and same people can make you poor.
For you to build wealth out of people determines your relationship with your associates, your friends, people you think you can't do without, your relationship with the people close to you determines how you get in touch with the outside world (other people). The reason is because the people in your life they either increase you, decrease you or neutralize you, that is why in the creation of wealth you have to be very serious about who you choose as your associates
The truth is that when wrong people leaves your life, wrong things stops happening, in the world today many people lives are full of dramas and this is because of the people they have around them, when someone is not making you better let them Go, wrong things would stop happening when wrong people leaves your live.
-- Can someone who is addicted to smoking quite smoking when he still have smokers as friends..
There is something about wrong associates many people don't know, wrong associates would kill your joy, they will kill your Passion, they will kill you faith, everybody must not be your friend when you are on the move of creating wealth, anyone that is not bringing a good financial ideas on how to grow wealth, and keep talking about irrelevant things, LET THEM GO...
To be kind to people is a must but relationship is a choice, you are the C.E.O of your Life, you have the choice to invite, delete and terminate whosoever that is not making you better, just because you have a history with someone does not mean you have a future with that person..
If you what to grow wealth, you must have an associate that also have a burning desire to grow wealth, in the creation of wealth you should be around people who are up to the same tasks, bringing up plans and ways that wealth can be created, because wealth is the product of man's capacity to think and come up with a plan or ideas...
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